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Exploring Genetic Regulation in Prokaryotes

Tollerson Lab


Lab News


Primary Areas of Interest


Genetic Regulation in Methanogens

In the Tollerson Lab, we aim to bring molecular tools that have been pioneered in model systems to understudied systems. Our research focuses on diverse systems, including methane metabolizing archaea, and how they use transcriptional and post-transcriptional responses to environmental flux.

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Microbial responses to agriculture

Microbes have a critical role in plant growth and crop production. We are interested in how microbial communities in soils are impacted by anthropogenic nutrient inputs (fertilizers). 

Microbial community structure and function

Microbes must not only interact with their environment, but also with each other. It is critical to understand how microbes detect each other and how these detection mechanisms are regulated.

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Rouse Life Sciences Building

Room 328

Auburn, AL 36849

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